
Dr. Matt Zager: From 65 to 110+ Visits Per Week In 2 Months

The results that Dr. Matt Zager with Zager Family Chiropractic in Shakopee, Minnesota literally doubled his average visits per week in just 2 months, from 65 visits, to 110 visits per week after working with us. 


But there’s a big reason why this happened…. Dr. Zager was a “guinea pig” to a brand new set of tools we’ve created for DC’s in our proprietary system called “The A3 Dojo.” 


He also got access to our exclusive sales course that we produced for DC’s, to help them ask better questions and improve conversations with patients to help convert more during the report of findings. 


After going through our tools and implementing what he learned in our system, he also doubled his close rate on cold traffic patients from Facebook leads – from 30.77%, to 55%, in just one month! 


AND – he’s doing this through stronger foundational skills…. not via automated scheduling systems that bring you a 40-60% no-show rate! 


Watch his video to hear his story firsthand!


ACTION advertising AGENCY

Dr. David Sedghi - From 60 to 200+ Visits Per Week In Just 4 Months

When Dr. David Sedghi, DC and I first spoke together, he was 3-4 months away from buying his practice. At the time, his goal was to hit 100-200 visits per week within the next 12 months, and the practice he was buying averaged about 60 visits per week at the time.
Dr David Sedghi from 60 to 200 visits per week in just 4 months

ACTION advertising AGENCY

Dr. Ryan Warren - From 250 to 380 Visits Per Week In 2 Months

Dr. Ryan Warren with Warren Family Chiropractic had hired 3 other Ad Agencies over the past few years, and no matter which agency he hired, he could never get past 250 to 300 visits per week.
Dr Ryan Warren from 250 to 380 visits per week in 2 months

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30 minute strategy session

30 Minute Strategy Session - we will take a deep dive into your business to see if we are a good fit for each other. If we have extra time during the call, I will show you some live ad accounts and strategies I use to help other businesses within your same niche.